Ethnobotanicals of Senapati District of Manipur in North East India


  • Nakhuru Khonamai Sewa Defence Research Laboratory (DRDO), Post Bag No.02, Tezpur -784 001, India
  • Ajitabh Bora Defence Research Laboratory (DRDO), Post Bag No.02, Tezpur -784 001, India
  • Jayshree Das Defence Research Laboratory (DRDO), Post Bag No.02, Tezpur -784 001, India
  • Sanjai Kumar Dwivedi Defence Research Laboratory (DRDO), Post Bag No.02, Tezpur -784 001, India


Wild edibles, Vegetable, Fruit, Remedy


The present article deals with the documentation of tribal knowledge on ethnobotanicals in Senapati district of Manipur in North East India. An attempt has been made to document wild edibles enumerating botanical name, habit, part(s) use and method use for either as food or for emergency care in survival situations. A total of 63 species of plants recorded herein, of which, most of them are consumed as vegetables, either raw or cooked, few as thirst quencher, and medicine.




How to Cite

Nakhuru Khonamai Sewa, Ajitabh Bora, Jayshree Das, & Sanjai Kumar Dwivedi. (2020). Ethnobotanicals of Senapati District of Manipur in North East India. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 8(12), 96–101. Retrieved from



Research Article