An assessment of malaria control and prevention interventions in Jos North and South, North-Central Nigeria
Malaria Control and Prevention, ITNsAbstract
The goal of Malaria control and prevention is to prevent mortality, reduce morbidity, social and economic loses. This study sought to assess the level of Malaria control interventions currently in place in Jos North and South, North-Central, Nigeria. A cross sectional study was carried out on 150 respondents, 122 from households and 48 from two Antenatal Clinics, ANC, each from both local governments. A total of 801 individuals and an average of 6 persons per household were covered using pretested questionnaires which were administered to household heads, pregnant women and mothers of children under 5 years. The sampled population was recruited by purposive sampling. The response rate was 95%. Descriptive statistics was employed for the analysis of the questionnaires. Findings revealed that out of 269 Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs) or bed nets available, 161 (60%) were received free and 108 (40%) were bought. Also, 68 (25%) of these nets were not put to use while 201 (75%) were in use. Ratio of persons to net was 4:1 (practically), 3:1 (theoretically). Reasons for poor coverage, acceptance and utilization of bed nets were: availability- 95 (32%), high cost– 81 (28%), hot weather- 40 (14%), unfashionable- 17 (6%) and other reasons 59 (20%). Risk groups that slept under bed nets were: 96 (51%) under 5 years; 23 (48%) pregnant women and those that did not were 91 (49%) children under-5 years and 25 (52%) pregnant women. A total of 48 women required ANC and there was a 100% attendance at ANC with 37 (77%) pregnant women had two or more doses of IPT-SP. The findings above revealed lower bed net coverage levels compared to the set targets of 80% for risk groups and a ratio of 2:1 persons to a net. This calls for increased level of information and enlightenment to community members as well as health system support.
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