The protective role of camel's milk on some hematological parameters of male rats infected with gastric ulcer


  • Khalid G. Al-Fartosi Dept of Biology Thi qar College of Science – Iraq
  • Ali Jalil Al-Adhadh MSc student, Dept of Biology, Thi qar College of Science - Iraq


Ethanol, Gastric lesions, Camel, s milk, Hematological parameters


The present study was carried out to investigate the protective role of camel's milk in some hematological parameters of male rats treated with ethanol (80%) to induce acute gastric lesions. Male rats weighted (280 – 300 g)were divided in five groups : (control group (I)) that were treated with (5ml/kg)  of physiological saline (0.85% NaCl), (milk group (II)) that were treated with (5ml/kg) of  raw camel's milk, (ulcer group (III) ) that were treated with (5ml/kg) of  ethanol (80%) and sacrificed after(24 hours),  (ulcer group(IV) )  that were treated with (5ml/kg) of ethanol (80%) and after (24 hours) treated with (5ml/kg)  of physiological saline,( treatment group (V)) initially treated with (5ml/kg) of  ethanol (80%) then after (24 hours) treated with (5ml/kg) of  raw camel's milk. The results showed a significant decrease (P ≤ 0.05) in (RBC, Hb, PCV, MCH and MCHC) in the ulcer groups (III) and (IV), while there was showed a significant increase (P ≤ 0.05) in (WBC, MCV) compared with control group(I), milk group (II) and treatment group (V).




How to Cite

Khalid G. Al-Fartosi, & Ali Jalil Al-Adhadh. (2014). The protective role of camel’s milk on some hematological parameters of male rats infected with gastric ulcer. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2(11), 1465–1468. Retrieved from



Research Article