A Clinical Study on the role of Shringyadi Churna in the management of the disease Tamaka Shwasa w.s.r. Bronchial Asthma
Shringyadi Churna, Tamaka Shwasa, Bronchial Asthma, AyurvedaAbstract
Tamaka Shwasa is a troublesome, stressful disease of today’s era with multifactorial causation.The patients are observed with wide range of severity, age of onset, effect of environment & different modalities required for their treatment. On the basis of etiopathogenesis and symptoms, disease Tamaka Shwasa can be considered analogous to Bronchial Asthma. It is the need of the hour to have a better and effective therapy which may be without many side effects and having quick bronchodilator effects and at the same time within the reach of the masses. Here Ayurveda “The science of life” is the golden ray of hope for the suffereres of Tamaka shwasa. Ayurvedic management may help to decrease the recurrence, improve immunity, and check symptoms naturally. Twenty Patients suffering from Tamaka Shwasa and attending the O.P.D. and I.P.D. department of Kayachikitsa, Rishikul Campus Haridwar were selected randomly. Patients were investigated as per proforma prepared for the study. Shringyadi Churna is given with ushnodaka as anupana dravya for duration of 4 weeks, with assessment follow ups of 15 days interval. And follow up was done after 2 months of the completion of the trial. All the patients were kept under strict dietary control during the treatment. The observation of the effect of therapy was encouraging and reduced recurrence significantly. Out of 20 patients, 18 patients completed the trial,out of them 17 patients i.e. 94.44% patients attained Marked Improvement in the symptoms, 1 patient i.e. 5.55% attained Moderate improvement in symptoms of Tamaka Shwasa.
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