Use of contraceptives among staff and students of Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Nigeria
Awareness, Family planning, Information source, knowledge, PrevalenceAbstract
The contraceptive prevalence in Nigeria is generally very low in spite of the high rate of sexual activity and widespread awareness of the various contraceptive methods. This study sought to evaluate the Awareness, knowledge, attitude and use of contraceptives and to determine the sources of information on contraception and contraceptives among Niger Delta University staff and students. A 30‑item questionnaire was used to assess the objectives of the study. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) version‑16.0. Respectively, 50.5% and 49.5% of respondents were Students and Staff; 52% were unmarried; 65.5% were females; 46% were aged between 15-25 years; and Christianity was the dominant religion. High proportions of respondents (94.5%) were aware of contraceptives and had good knowledge of contraceptive use but only 59% have used contraceptive at a point in their sexual life. The most common method of contraceptive was condom (31%); major reason for non-use was side-effects. Awareness and knowledge of contraception is high but prevalence of use is low. There is need for educational interventions and enhanced access to family planning in this community.
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