Mebendazole: Easy reachable and ubiquitous target for breast cancer cell lines


  • Fatima Rizvi Department of Pharmacology, Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Pakistan
  • Syed Mehboob Alam Department of Pharmacology, Basic Medical Sciences Institute, JPMC, Pakistan
  • Mansoor Department of Pharmacognosy, University of Karachi, Pakistan
  • Farah Asad Department of Pharmacology, Jinnah Medical and Dental College, Pakistan


MTT assay, MCF-7, MCF-10, MDA-MB-231, Hela, HT-29 cell lines, Trypan blue dye exclusion assay.


Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed malignancy worldwide and lamentably there was no perfect chemotherapy option that can diminish the mortality rate because of breast cancer complexities. Along these lines, analyst ought to more concentration looking for a perfect chemotherapeutic drug that is effective and give secure treatment against tumor. At present, several novel therapeutic targets such as Mebendazole, Metformin and COX-2 inhibitors attracted significance because of same reason. The primary aim of this research project was to evaluate the cytotoxicity activity of Mebendazole against breast cancer cell lines in –vitro. For this purpose, we used four cancerous cell lines including MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, HT-29 and Hela cell lines and six different dilutions of Mebendazole ranges between2-110. As a single operator, impacts of Mebendazole on MTT test (cytotoxicity assay) delighted that Mebendazole can adequately diminished the % viability of cancerous cell lines with mean IC50 were 7.449 ± 0.535, 7.68± 0.442, 22.36 ± 4.315 and 849.12 ± 23.96 in MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, Hela and MCF-10 cell lines respectively. This demonstrates Mebendazole can adequately represses their progress in-vitro as alone therapy.




How to Cite

Fatima Rizvi, Syed Mehboob Alam, Mansoor, & Farah Asad. (2017). Mebendazole: Easy reachable and ubiquitous target for breast cancer cell lines. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 5(3), 183–193. Retrieved from



Research Article