Anti-mutagenic protection of Quercus infectoria galls against 2-Aminoanthracene induced genotoxicity in mice bone marrow
Antimutagens; Chromosomal aberration; Micronucleus assay; Mitotic index; Quercus infectoria galls; Mice bone marrowAbstract
The present study evaluated the mutagenic and antimutagenic protective effects of Quercus infectoria galls (QIG) against genotoxicity induced by 2-Aminoanthracene (2AA). Mice bone marrow mitotic index, chromosomal aberration, and micronucleus assay were employed to measure the genotoxicity, respectively. Mice were treated with aqueous extract of QIG (2, 5 and 7 gm/kg body weight) for 7 days. Without the dose of 2AA, no mutagenic effects were observed in bone marrow samples of the mice. QIG extract by itself did not show any harmful effects but it significantly improve mitotic activity in bone marrow cells at the dose 2 gm/kg body weight. Pre-, post- and simultaneous treatments with 2AA were carried out in vivo. It was observed that the dose 2gm/kg of QIG administrated 7 days before injection of 2AA (at the dose of 750 mg/kg) caused the most statistically significant decrease of 2AA induced chromosome aberration , micronuclei frequency and stimulate cell proliferation in bone marrow cells of mice as compared to 2AA group. Showing antimutagenic protective effects on 2AA induced mutagenicity in mice. Thus, it can be concluded from the study that aqueous extract of QIG exhibited no clastogenic effects but only possessing antimutagenic effects. This antimutagenic activity is an induction of its medicinal relevance.
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