Drug Related Problems in Sulaimani Pediatric Teaching Hospital, Iraq
DRPs; medication errors; pharmaceutical care; pediatricsAbstract
This prospective study highlights some drugs related problems (DRPs)in Sulaimani Pediatric Teaching Hospital, Kurdistan region, Iraq. The physician medication orders for newly admitted patients, during February 6th ‒ June10th 2013 were evaluated for medication errors. A specially standardized questionnaire was utilized to identify expected types of medication errors appeared in the follow up sheets of randomly selected pediatric patients, admitted to the hospital due to different causes. Parents, usually mothers, answer some of the questions. More than 500 medication orders were reviewed with 499 reported medication errors (85%). The most common types of medication errors include incorrect dose (33%), incomplete prescription (29%), 6% for both drug-drug interaction and incomplete allergy and past medical history information in the case sheet; followed by 4% for adverse reactions, 2% for incorrect dosage interval, incorrect duration of therapy and delay in services, and 1% due to omission of drugs. The most common types of incomplete prescriptions are dose (53%) and dosage form (18%). In conclusion, medication errors in Sulaimani Pediatric Hospital are very high; most of them are avoidable in the presence of good health care system that supports the roles and activities of clinical pharmacists.
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