Standardization of simplisia and methanolic extract of cemba (acacia rugata (lam.) fawc. rendle) leaves endemic plant from Massenrenpulu regency of enrekang
Acacia rugata (Lam.) Fawc. Rendle), cemba, Massenrenpulu, standarizationAbstract
Massenrenpuluis an area thatstillmaintainsthe cultureof traditionalmedicineandthe use ofspices. Cemba(Acacia rugata(Lam.) Fawc. Rendle) is an endemic plantin Enrekangand is arareplantin South Sulawesi. By community Enrekang, Cemba leaves are used as spice, but it is also used to neutralize the fat from the meat so as not to cause hypertension, so the potentialis very large plant for the treatmentof hypertension or hyperglycemia. The aims of this study are to determine how to manufacture the simplisia and standardized extracts of Cemba leaves and to know the parameter and the term of raw material quality standard of traditional medicine cemba leaves (Acacia rugata (Lam.) Fawc. Rendle). The research method used was experimental. Preparation of extracts with sonicator method used methanol solvent. The extract quality requirements consists of inspection of common standard parameter and specific standard parameter based on the requirement of Indonesian Herbal Pharmacopeia. Based on the results of study of simplisia characterization and methanolic extract of Cemba (Acacia rugata (Lam.) Fawc. Rendle) leaves, it met with the quality requirement as raw material for traditional medicine.
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