Pharmacognostical, physico-chemical and HPTLC validation of Kabasura Kudineer - a Siddha polyherbal formulation
Siddha formulation, kabasura kudineer, pharmacognostic study, physico-chemical study, validation, HPTLCAbstract
The present work was aimed to study the Pharmacognostical features, physico-chemical investigations and HPTLC analysis of the Siddha poly herbal formulation, kabasura kudineer. Kabasura kudineer chooranam was not validated scientifically till date and is highly recommended for prophylatic and for treatment of COVID-19. Pharmacognostical study is the first step in the standardization of crude drugs, which provides the information regarding the identity, purity and quality of the ingredients. Physico-chemical investigation confirms the Shelf life of the formulation. HPTLC analysis reveals the presence of major phytoconstituents in the formulation. Microscopical examination of the formulations showed characteristic informations of the ingredients in kabasura kudineer which revealed the tested formulations are genuine. The results of the physico-chemical evaluation of Siddha formulation were in correlation with the WHO limits. All the formulations tested found to be free from microbial contamination, heavy metals and pesticide residues. The outcome of the present study will be the benchmark for the identification and authentication of the ingredients and the Siddha formulation kabasura kudineer chooranam which will be helpful for treatment of corona virus infections without any ambiguity.
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