Pharmacognostical studies and pharmacological activities of Morinda Tinctoria Roxb – A review article
Morinda tinctoria, Indian Mulberry, Anti-diabetic, Anti-cancer, Anti-convulsant activityAbstract
Morinda tinctoria Roxb plant is very well known for its therapeutics benefits in Indian systems of medicine including Ayurveda and Siddha and in other forms of traditional medicine worldwide for the treatment of several ailments. The colouring matter is found principally in the root bark and is collected when the plants reach three to four years of age. Our review article focusses to pharmacognostical studies and give number of pharmacological activites are antidiabetic, antioxidant, antibiofilm, anticancer, antihyperglycemic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anticonvulsant, cytoprotective, wound healing activity, antiulcer, antimicrobial and antigenotoxic activities. This article can give potential research areas to explore next, and to formulate new formulation in allopathy and some traditional medicine system.
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